Grief Counseling
Supporting Adults in St. Louis and Online Throughout MO
Despite having support, do you often feel alone in your grief?
Maybe it's been a few days now since you bathed yourself, the laundry and dishes are piling up, and you just don’t have the energy to do anything.
Perhaps some days you feel nothing at all or you have more days filled with gut wrenching guilt, thinking if only I had done something different _________ would still be alive today.
The relationship ended, you are overcome with sadness, anger and guilt; you feel hopeless.
You feel the impact in every area of your life:
You cannot focus on one thing. You worry your boss will sideline you on the project you’ve been leading, and then you won’t meet your billable hours goal or get the bonus you need to cover extra expenses.
You said no to so many invitations that you’ve noticed you’re gotten fewer invites over the past few weeks. Now you feel even more isolated.
You’ve been so hyper-focused on making sure everyone else is okay that, one day, when you look in the mirror, you don’t recognize your own reflection. Tears begin to stream down your face as you finally admit, "I’m not okay."
Grief Counseling Can Help
The Support
I’ll help throughout this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to Grief comes from a place of empathy. I'm here to help you embrace healing and growth as you move forward on your life's journey.
You don’t have to live life feeling alone and hopeless
You can find joy, I can help you get there
Make peace in the midst of pain and loss. There is no linear path to adjusting to loss. I walk hand in hand with you on your journey, providing guidance and support along the way.
Rediscover joy and pursue interests that bring you a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. You get to decide how to respond to life’s curveballs.
Restoration. Your journey will have ups and downs, so extend grace to yourself without guilt if you have a setback. There is hope for a better tomorrow.
Although the pain of loss may never fully disappear, You can still find healing and happiness in your life, and I can help you get there.

Grief FAQs
How do I know if I need grief counseling?
You might need grief counseling if you are struggling to function in your daily life, experiencing prolonged sadness, or finding it hard to move forward after a loss.
Can grief counseling help with other types of loss, like a divorce or losing a job?
Yes, grief counseling can help with any type of significant loss, not just the death of a loved one. It can support you through various life changes and transitions including divorce and job loss.
Will talking about my loss make me feel worse?
Talking about your loss can be difficult, but it often helps in the long run. Expressing your feelings can lead to healing and better emotional health.
How long does grief counseling usually last?
The duration of grief counseling varies for each person. It can range from a few weeks to several months or longer, depending on individual needs and progress.
How do I get started?
You can schedule a free 10 minute consultation or give us a call at 404-955-8088. We are happy to answer your questions.